Monday, 2 October 2017

Train Time Lovers

GAY- a term more often used to derogate a straight man than to actually describe a homosexual.
It has become such an ingrained part of our vocabulary to use ‘gay’ in synonym of ‘stupid’ that at the back of our head we have formed a notion that being gay is something to be looked down upon.
I for one am a greater supporter of LGBT, or I would say, I am a great supporter of ANY sort of expression of love. I believe it’s a luxury for everybody, irrespective of his/her gender or class.
India is definitely progressing when it comes to being sensitive towards this issue. But the progress is restricted to a very small percentage of the population-the rich or the educated.
There is a large population who think it’s just UNNATURAL or ABNORMAL to be gay.

Every Sunday I take the train from Grant Road to Santa Cruz Station for my class. Since it’s a holiday for most people, I quite enjoy the ride as there are hardly any people in the compartment and so its not cramped like it is on working days.

I sat on the window seat, put my earphones on and looked outside.
I felt an elbow touch my neck, so instinctively I turned around and responded ‘pccch’. 
I thought for a moment that it’s a man trying to bother me. But when I turned around I saw that the man was actually putting his arm around another man and in the process he elbowed me. My reaction made him and his friend switch to the opposite seat. I felt guilty for reacting that way.
As an Indian girl, by default, I identify men from underprivileged background as lecherous. The sort of incidents that happen with girls in India just makes you think in a certain way.
My back was turned towards the two men. I just looked behind to see if they had taken any offense to my behavior. But for them, nothing seemed to matter. The taller man had wrapped one arm around the shorter man and held his hand with the second arm.  They were looking into each other eyes and blushing and talking.
I quickly turned back into my position because I didn’t want to look too creepy or intrusive.
I turned towards them again, and saw that the one of them had put his head of the other ones shoulder. It was very sweet and romantic the way they were with each other.
The train stopped at the next station, and more people hopped it. I took this opportunity to change my seat so that I could face them. I enjoyed looking at them. It made me feel happy.
But there were others in the train that were frowning at them. That level of intimacy disgusted other men. I guess both of them got the hint, because the next station they got down and went and sat in the luggage compartment, hand in hand.

Gay men that are represented in media are often from the fashion industry. There is hardly any representation of lower class gay men, which is what made me observe them so carefully.

It’s so strange that something like domestic violence that isn’t normal, is naturalized in our society, and yet something that is natural isn’t normalized.

I am glad that I saw them. It only reinforced my belief that LOVE IS LOVE.

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